Sunday, June 27, 2010

Heidegger’s Thinking on Architecture

Heidegger concept is men made environment . Dwelling poetically he used the architecture to be part of his philosophy and to give us better understanding of the environment problems in our time . His example was the Greek temple which is standing in middle of the rock but the meaning of it is , the god is present in the temple , from the temple work you can see many meaning of many different things like birth and death / victory and disgrace / endurance and decline acquire the shape of testing for human beings . It doesn't matter what the materials are in the building but it dose matter how the building represent itself to the environment and to the human . The temple is resting on rocky ground but how strong the building is , it's against the storm and it's glowing by grace of the sun and it's using the natural light to go through the place and the darkness of the night . It's open place which allow the air to go through the space . This ground is the earth , the place where the arising brings back and shelters every things that arises without violation . Human , animal , plant are unchangeable things and never present , the only present is the fitting environment . Should the building gives to the things their look and to the men their out look on themselves . Truth is the meaning full word which explain ' the god present ' / ' fits together ' / ' which make the earth visible ' .The building should be open to the world to the same time sets this world back on earth . Four particular fold earth / sky / mortals and divinities . The earth is the building bearer with it's fruits / water / rock / plant and animal . The divinities are the beckoning messengers of the godhead , out of the hidden sway of divinities the go emerges . The mortals are human beings , called mortals because they can dis . Die ,means to be capable of death as death . The meaning of four fold is the things coming together or gathering , things visit mortal with a world . The thingness of the things , that is the world they gather ' according to heidegger example from the bridge and earth ' . The element of the Greek temple were clear ' god / human beings / earth and sky ' , The quotation is important because it tell us that the earth and the world of historical people are what they are because they are related to the earth and the world in general . Man dwells in language , when listen to and respond to languages own . The nature of the image is to let somethings be seen, the invisible be seen . Conceder the sky as work of art and memories . Dwell is between work and world , the word opens up to the world , work gives the world presence . Building are such constructed thing , which gather a world and allow for dwelling . Landscape is apace where human life take place ' lived space between earth and sky ' and ' freeing of places for human beings ' , firstly the place opens a domain in gathering things which here belong together . Secondly , the places are embodied be means of sculpture forms . Sculpture is therefore incarnation of the truth of beings in a wok which found it's place . A boundary isn't that at which something stops but , as the Greek recogzied , the boundary is that from which somethings begins it presence . Boundary and threshold are constituent element of place . Building dwelling thinking on building doesn't presume to discover architecture idea , let alone give rules for building . Evidently a work of architecture doesn't wake a a total world visible but only certain of it's aspects . The aspects concept of ' spatiality ' . The Greek example in fact starts with image of rocky cleft and later several concrete element of earth and sky but , also suggest the ' landscape ' conn't be isolated from human life and form ' mirrors ' between earth and sky / Between standing / resting and acting . Greek temple suggest it's nature the world extension / delimitation / standing / resting / towering . The fact language name these things proves their important as type of image which visualize the basic structure of spatiality . Today we are only at a beginning , we have to give thought to arrive at a total a poetical .
I have visited temple / mosque and church , from which i have seen and self , each place has different and similar specialty . First , temple specialty is the sculptures which are different sizes and different style , has a big opening as entrance which made feel kind of connection between the human and the god ' to let me enter through big space and passing by the sculptures which around me to control my direction to the place which i should be to pray .
Second , mosque specialty is the huge space which made me feel comfortable and the bid doom which also made me think about the god and praying , the big opening as entrance and windows which me made feel that , i'm inside the construction and outside in the same time because of the nature light , the sky as art work and the air which goes through the mosque .
Finally , church specialty is the color full windows which give reflection from the sun light to show the picture and the meaning of itself . the high ceiling and the cross in the middle of the wall made me feel the connection between me and god and jesus .
Each place have different and similar specialty but in general , all of them has the similarity of the connection between human and god .

Monday, June 21, 2010

The concept of place

now days , architects changing the architecture system from urban design and architecture to moder and mobile architecture , which make the technology more important then human , and that is wrong . Existential space + Egocentric space = place , that means , DESIGNER to find in USER and formed the ENVIRONMENT . Architecture will become infinite and transient which will make everybody will always be travelling and ill never feel the need to return to the place of origin , because it will anyhow have undergone a transformation , as a consequence everybody don't possess a determined plan . and the good environment image gives it's possessor an important sense of emotional security . Place and space , place is part of space . Space is continuous extension viewed with or without reference to the existence of object with it . Movement has two meaning : place of action and point of departure . Generally our movement generate a horizontal plane which define out possibilities of action . This plane has a twofold delimitation , first the horizon , second the immediate surrounding . Meaningful is visual relationship to the surrounding , every building has history , be life and needs of particular place and time . The first is the intimate world of the house and home , the second the outside world into which man departs and form which he return . Existential zone one might get the impression that the human environment is two dimensional . Particular action are hence connected particular places . Existential space to denote our concept or image of the environment , but i have also suggested that the formation of an image presupposes that the environment possesses a certain physical structure . Designer should understand the human / physical encoded meaning ' language of science ' and the design for the people . Landscape space and the think of landscape as a house , the mountains are the wall , the bottom of the valley is the floor , the river the ways , the mountain become low is the gate . The humans choose these history becomes an interaction with the landscape . Between inside and outside is of fundamental importance in architecture , the relationship between the interior and exterior space . meaningful relationship between them . The interaction between inside and outside is also based on the establishment of direction within the place . The relationship between the concavity and convexity is therefore of fundamental importance in architecture . Five centers receive exterior space at the same time as they generate a dynamic and continuous interior , the solution illustrates how centers ways and zones may unify to form a complex integrated totality . The theoretical principle are , principle of totality / physical and metal aspects / part of a system of dynamic relationship . As totality can't be mobile because a general mobility would make the development of collective and individual existential space impossible . We have to demand from the environment in order that man may call himself human , image able structure which offers rich possibilities of identification . The concepts of house , city and country are still valid , they give structure to our space and permit us to citizens of the world , man doesn't become a citizen of the world if he understands that his place from part of the large whole .i prefer the ruban design for good environment and for the future to be better place to fine health space to use . Technology is important But not more then human and environment .

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Film review

1-What is the basic plot line of the movie ?
- It's about , saving the people from the crime by going back to the past .

2-What did you find impressive or unimpressive about the movie ? hight light key scenes and character development .
-impressive :
-how they control the past from the future example ' when the guy went back to the past and stopped the criminal from killing the wife '.
-using the died people memory to go back to the past .
-reading the died people memory .
-hight technology .
-the building on the past have bigger opening to allow the sunlight to come in and less using of electric .
-the building on the past have similar design even u can't tell the different some time .
-in the future the streets are vertical & horizntal which can save a lot of space to build .

3-The relationships between the context (architect / technology )displayed and the story .
dose it fit the plot of the story ?
-yes , it fit , because they shown two different time ' past and future ' so, can see the different between both of them by looking at the building and technology .

4-What do you think was the intention / massage of the film ? and do you feel the intention / massage of the film was successful ?
- people in future will try to make the earth better place to live in but the need to know that , they will not be able to change the past as they wish , so , the have to fix it from now on .
yes it's successful .

5-Do you think that movie like these have an impact of design thinking ?
- yes , it's totally have the impact of design thinking .

ASSIGNMENT 1 , Blogging

each parson in this life has different childhood then each other , mine was special .
since i was child , i use to play by LEGO which almost ever child playing it , but i use to build a really big palace which use to take long time to finish building it ,some time takes days to finish so i use to keep it for the next day to continue building , not like some children who break every thing when they feel boring , and i use to waring my family to don't touch . on other hand , my father is an architect so , he use to bring me with him to the work place and shown me the work , and he use to always tell me that , i have to be an architect just like him .So, since that moment i grown up with the architect dream on my mind . In the same time i can continue my father business in the future by being architect . there are many good experiences in studying architecture , first of all the all , the feeling of doing hard work all the time which i enjoy doing it . Secondly, i have been started look to the world by different way , some time i fine an awesome building and i started touch and see what is the idea and the concept and what materials they use .... some of these questions which i didn't use to wonder before . On the other hand , there are also bad experiences in studying architecture . First, westing a lot of time to get an idea or solution of problems . Second , leaving away so many thing which i love to do but because of studying architecture i can't do these things any more , may be because of the time or of the future as an architect . The best habit is when i finish my assignment and made a nice work , it's make me really happy . Secondly , when i pass all my subjects in the end of the semester and when my family knows about it , feeling the best to tell every one about it . The worst habits are , when i work hard all the time ' no eating / no drinking / no hanging out with friends / /no girl friend / no loosing time / no traveling ' just studying very hard but in the end of the semester i get D in one subject , that's make me feel the worst ever . SO many time think to change the course BUT alway i remember how i feel happy when i do i good work and i pass and how my family feel for me , no matter if i got bad result or fail , always the good things more then the bad things . Every one wants good future , i think architecture is my good future , this why i keep going and i will never stop .