- It's about , saving the people from the crime by going back to the past .
2-What did you find impressive or unimpressive about the movie ? hight light key scenes and character development .
-impressive :
-how they control the past from the future example ' when the guy went back to the past and stopped the criminal from killing the wife '.
-using the died people memory to go back to the past .
-reading the died people memory .
-hight technology .
-the building on the past have bigger opening to allow the sunlight to come in and less using of electric .
-the building on the past have similar design even u can't tell the different some time .
-in the future the streets are vertical & horizntal which can save a lot of space to build .
3-The relationships between the context (architect / technology )displayed and the story .
dose it fit the plot of the story ?
-yes , it fit , because they shown two different time ' past and future ' so, can see the different between both of them by looking at the building and technology .
4-What do you think was the intention / massage of the film ? and do you feel the intention / massage of the film was successful ?
- people in future will try to make the earth better place to live in but the need to know that , they will not be able to change the past as they wish , so , the have to fix it from now on .
yes it's successful .
5-Do you think that movie like these have an impact of design thinking ?
- yes , it's totally have the impact of design thinking .
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