back days , architects who attempted to experience pleasure in architecture was considered decadent and politically the socially conscious have rejected it as a reactionary concern . in the same time architecture has relegated to the left every thing remotely political with discourse of pleasure . oppositions are reflected the recent history of architecture ' order and disorder / structure and chaos /... ' these oppositions have been loaded with moral overtones . the morals ere strong for long time . the beyond is opposites lie , the architecture definition is reinforce and amplify the impossible alternatives , but architecture in their definition is as a thing of the mind , conceptual discipline with it's typological variation , on the other people thinking the architecture definition is as an empirical event the concentrates on the senses , on the experience the space .
a double pleasure is unspoken or untouchable thing , it comes with the experience , it's like differences between every thing has an against ' left and right / up and down / symmetries and unsymmetries /...' the pleasure of geometry by extension . the pleasure of order is the pleasure of concepts . so architecture is a thing of the mind , geometrical rather than a experiential art , so the problem of architecture becomes a problem of ordinance . however , the pleasure of space is not the pleasure of geometry is the pleasure of architecture .
gardens of pleasure , in 1765 the architects weren't merely a reaction of the baroque style , and the deconstruction of architecture that they suggested we an early venture into th realm of pleasure , against the architecture order of time . the perspective of the renaissance garden were applied to the square of renaissance cities , the garden have had a strong fate . but in fact , the garden has the pleasure and eroticism , pleasure of space with the pleasure of reason in a useless manner .
pleasure and necessity , it must alway come with the architecture , it's useless with out it . long time ago , architectural is ideology of time but after while the social proved different by reduced to dreams , and now determined more by logic of land economical . in general , most architectural seems hopeless dilemma . on the other hand , they sanctuarize themselves , their architecture is accused of elitism . if there has lately been some reason to doubt the necessity of architecture , then the necessity of architecture may well be its non-necessity .
metaphor of order bondage , it's the non necessity of architecture is undissociable from architectural histories , these are bonds enhance pleasure . the architecture must be played by rules of accept or reject . the different between the rules and the ropes is irrelevant , the more numerous and sophisticated the restraints , the greater the pleasure .
rational in architecture and utopia , has recalled the pleasure of rationality and irrational dissolution recalled erotic concerns . the word had got different meaning , use here as a theoretical concept but it also it has the sexual analogies . eroticism is a subtle matter , it doesn't mean simply the different from eroticism as a simple spatial perception in different from architecture . however , the pleasure of architecture is that impossible moment when as architectural act and immediate experience of space .
metaphor of seduction, architecture is the same as the pleasure without seduction or seduction without illusion . the concept become the artifacts of seduction . however , when the architect try to find out the solution of the problem which we can called mask , they will get another mask to figure out and they will get other mask after it ., it won't end , and each mask has different meaning for architecture .
excess , the pleasure itself is simple masquerade when the mask doesn't belong to the universe of pleasure .when the sensual pleasure of space conflicts with the pleasure of order . the resent widespread fascination with the history of architecture doesn't necessarily mean a return to blind obedience to past dogma .
architecture of pleasure lie where concept of space abruptly coincide , no metaphorical paradise but discomfort and unbalancing of expectation .the architecture pleasure depend on feat , to debility or delirious neurosis .
advertisements for architecture ,architecture is an image , it can't be produce by drawing on paper only . even the construction which have never been constructed has an image inside the architect imagination . mask is the word which we use in architecture because it means hints at some thing else behind itself .it may hide it but also implies at the same time . the unveiling is part of pleasure of architecture .
architecture fragments are like beginnings without ends , there is always a split between fragment which is real and that virtual . architecture is an emotion not a dream ,for every construction there is an image in mind .