Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kellie castle

william Kellie Smith was from a village in Scotland known as Kellas. In 1890, at the age of 20, he arrived in the then undeveloped Malaya. Smith started planting rubber trees and dabbled in the tin mining industry. In time, he became the owner of Kinta Kellas Estate and the Kinta Kellas Tin Dredging Company.Now with his fortune made, he returned home to marry his Scottish woman brought her over to Malaysia in 1903. The following year, the couple was blessed with a daughter whom they named Helen. For many years after that, William Smith desperately wanted a son and heir to take over his empire in the Malay Isles. After many years, Agnes finally gave birth to a son, Anthony, in 1915. The birth of his child was the start of even greater success for William Smith. To celebrate Anthony's birth, William Smith decided to expand on his mansion. Smith started planning for a huge castle which he planned to call Kellas House, after his hometown in Scotland.
Unfortunately for Smith, tragedies struck soon after the construction of the Kellas House began. A virulent strain of the Spanish flu spread from Europe to Asia soon after World War I ended in Europe, killing many of the workers in the Kellas Estate. Another seventy workers constructing Smith's dream castle also became victims of the flu. In the end, Kellas House, later known as Kellie's Castle or even Kellie's Folly to some, was never completed.William Kellie Smith himself died of pneumonia during a short trip to Portugal in 1926. His heartbroken wife decided to pack up and return home to Scotland selling the estate and Kellie's Castle to a British company .
I consider the Kellie castle beautiful .

This photo from the back of Kellie castle . It shown the strong and sold repetition on the arches at the ground floor and the opening at the first floor .

This photo from at the living room at the second floor , It shown the beautiful view of the river and the mountain .

This photo at the guest room at the first floor , The room has one of the most beautiful and big arch at Kellie castle .

This photo at the library at the first floor , It shown the amazing crafts at the wall .

This photo from out side of the Kellie castle , It shown the corner windows , each of them give different views .

the guest room

The spaces create a historical and romantic feeling to the visitors . It shown , how much william loved his wife by romantic way , and his children especially his son . The history of the old time in malaysia .

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